With the original intent of breeding Borzoi, Justart Kennels was established with our first personal litter in 2015 though we had both been in the breed and the sport far longer. Stuart McGraw began in purebred dogs in the early 2000's and spent 8 years working for Bill and Taffe McFadden. During these years the McFaddens campagined Mick the Kerry, Harry the Dandy, and Spirit the Giant Schnauzer to Top Dog All Breed status. Stuart learned an immense amount from Bill and Taffe. He eventually went on to work for Eddie and Lesley Boyes, living day in and out with the legendary Absolutely Smooth Fox Terriers. Justine joined him in that endeavor in 2015 after working on weekends for Bruce and Tara Schultz and for the Fenners off and on since 2011. Between us, we have been lucky to win many National Specialties, All-Breed Bests in Show, Group shows, Westminster and Orlando Group placements, among many other accomplishments. We feel very fortunate to be able to serve so many incredible breeders and owners, all of whom have taught us more as we further our adventure in purebred dogs. With our background working for trusted professional handlers and our experience being mentored by several top breeders, we think we have a unique point of view being able to see both the breeder and handler sides of the sport.
Pictured above showing MBIS MBISS Gold GCh Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour and GCh Majenkir Luna Flyte to First Place in the 2014 Santa Barbara Breeders Showcase Hound Group under judge Gretchen Bernardi, these girls represented the MAJENKIR breeding program of Karen Staudt-Cartabona. Photo by Julie Lynn Mueller. Our philosophy for the breed is that it is not necessarily about "improvement", but rather "preservation". The "ancient type", first introduced to this country by Joseph Thomas and preserved for many years by Louis Murr (Romanoff) and Karen Staudt-Cartabona (Majenkir), among others, is what we will strive to maintain in our breeding program. Now in it's foundation stages, Justart plans to build heavily upon the "tried and true" blood of the Majenkir program. We both spent our earlier dog years in other bloodlines, but I, Justine, kept finding myself drawn to the Majenkir family time and again through old magazines, yearbooks, and by observing the 2008, 2010, and 2011 Nationals. In May 2011 I made a really eye-opening trip to Majenkir and spent a month learning all that I could from Karen Staudt-Cartabona. Her ideas and application of them to her program really made sense to me, and a year later Stuart joined me in pursuing our own breeding program developed from the Majenkir line. Karen's recent top stud dog, Ch. Majenkir Regal by Design ROMX-C has to my mind the perfect name for this breed, they are regal by their design. Anything built for speed and power is usually a beautiful sight to behold, borzoi being no different than a sports car in that manner. Curvy, but with extraordinary power, make them the beautiful animals they are. Beauty is BECAUSE of their coursing-type build, not an addition to it. It is with this in mind we embark on our mission to produce quality borzoi of the "ancient type". With the foundation bitches that we have been lucky enough to acquire from Karen, we feel we have the very best start possible in achieving this goal.
Our adventure into English Setters began officially in 2015 as well, forming a partnership with Caryl Hodges and Rachel Barnes of Winchester English Setters. We strive to produce English Setters that look the part in the ring but easily go to the field to prove their merit at their original function. Field Trainer Pierre Urrutia and friend Terry Barnes have both made it possible for us to achieve success in the field as well as in the ring. Stuart fell in love with the breed while working for the McFaddens as English Setters are Taffe's original breed. She was showing "Chandler", Ch Chebaco Circle of Friends, at the time and he became Stuart's dog during his campaign. Chandler was a litterbother to the famous "Ross", MBIS MBISS CH Chebaco Blames it on Trabeiz. After starting with "Colt", MBIS MBISS GCHP. Winchester's Made My Day and showing him to much success, we were fortunate to acquire in parternship with Caryl and Rachel two superb bitches. One from Tony and Penny DiSiena and Adam and Katie Bernardin, BIS MBISS GCHG. Sevenoaks Weymouth Catching Fire "Flame", and another from Eileen Hackett and Don and Pat Coller, Ch. Wingfield n Chebaco Are You Being Served. Both girls have already proven to be excellent producers and Flame has also proven herself in the ring as the #1 English Setter, all breed, for 2021. We hope to have many more years in English Setters, working under the mentorship of Rachel and Caryl of Winchester.
We do accept new handling clients on a case by case basis, so feel free to drop a note if you are interested in having us present your dog. We specialize in a very personal style of caring for the dogs and this allows us to develop wonderful bonds with each animal, often leading to a great partnership in the ring. We are skilled in all types of grooming, though in the interests of time we do not take Poodles unless they are ringside.
Our facility provides a heaven on earth for our animals with two kennels, many paddocks, two large running fields, two ponds, two bathing station, and a caretakers residence attached to one of the kennels. Our own home is also on the property so when we are home we are always close to the dogs. Our kennel help also lives on the property. We also have a large Equestrian Facility with a covered and lit arena and limited boarding stalls. Our dog show transportation consists of a 37' Volvo Motorhome with Two AC's, a 12000wt on board generator, a 7500 auxillary generator, and living quarters. Our second dog vehicle is a E550 Box Truck with built in crates, two AC's, and a 7500w on board generator.
Feel free to contact us with any comments or inquiries-email or phone (text or call): [email protected] or (530) 444-0138 (Justine), or (530) 333-7109 (Stuart).
Pictured above showing MBIS MBISS Gold GCh Majenkir Bookstor Vintage Glamour and GCh Majenkir Luna Flyte to First Place in the 2014 Santa Barbara Breeders Showcase Hound Group under judge Gretchen Bernardi, these girls represented the MAJENKIR breeding program of Karen Staudt-Cartabona. Photo by Julie Lynn Mueller. Our philosophy for the breed is that it is not necessarily about "improvement", but rather "preservation". The "ancient type", first introduced to this country by Joseph Thomas and preserved for many years by Louis Murr (Romanoff) and Karen Staudt-Cartabona (Majenkir), among others, is what we will strive to maintain in our breeding program. Now in it's foundation stages, Justart plans to build heavily upon the "tried and true" blood of the Majenkir program. We both spent our earlier dog years in other bloodlines, but I, Justine, kept finding myself drawn to the Majenkir family time and again through old magazines, yearbooks, and by observing the 2008, 2010, and 2011 Nationals. In May 2011 I made a really eye-opening trip to Majenkir and spent a month learning all that I could from Karen Staudt-Cartabona. Her ideas and application of them to her program really made sense to me, and a year later Stuart joined me in pursuing our own breeding program developed from the Majenkir line. Karen's recent top stud dog, Ch. Majenkir Regal by Design ROMX-C has to my mind the perfect name for this breed, they are regal by their design. Anything built for speed and power is usually a beautiful sight to behold, borzoi being no different than a sports car in that manner. Curvy, but with extraordinary power, make them the beautiful animals they are. Beauty is BECAUSE of their coursing-type build, not an addition to it. It is with this in mind we embark on our mission to produce quality borzoi of the "ancient type". With the foundation bitches that we have been lucky enough to acquire from Karen, we feel we have the very best start possible in achieving this goal.
Our adventure into English Setters began officially in 2015 as well, forming a partnership with Caryl Hodges and Rachel Barnes of Winchester English Setters. We strive to produce English Setters that look the part in the ring but easily go to the field to prove their merit at their original function. Field Trainer Pierre Urrutia and friend Terry Barnes have both made it possible for us to achieve success in the field as well as in the ring. Stuart fell in love with the breed while working for the McFaddens as English Setters are Taffe's original breed. She was showing "Chandler", Ch Chebaco Circle of Friends, at the time and he became Stuart's dog during his campaign. Chandler was a litterbother to the famous "Ross", MBIS MBISS CH Chebaco Blames it on Trabeiz. After starting with "Colt", MBIS MBISS GCHP. Winchester's Made My Day and showing him to much success, we were fortunate to acquire in parternship with Caryl and Rachel two superb bitches. One from Tony and Penny DiSiena and Adam and Katie Bernardin, BIS MBISS GCHG. Sevenoaks Weymouth Catching Fire "Flame", and another from Eileen Hackett and Don and Pat Coller, Ch. Wingfield n Chebaco Are You Being Served. Both girls have already proven to be excellent producers and Flame has also proven herself in the ring as the #1 English Setter, all breed, for 2021. We hope to have many more years in English Setters, working under the mentorship of Rachel and Caryl of Winchester.
We do accept new handling clients on a case by case basis, so feel free to drop a note if you are interested in having us present your dog. We specialize in a very personal style of caring for the dogs and this allows us to develop wonderful bonds with each animal, often leading to a great partnership in the ring. We are skilled in all types of grooming, though in the interests of time we do not take Poodles unless they are ringside.
Our facility provides a heaven on earth for our animals with two kennels, many paddocks, two large running fields, two ponds, two bathing station, and a caretakers residence attached to one of the kennels. Our own home is also on the property so when we are home we are always close to the dogs. Our kennel help also lives on the property. We also have a large Equestrian Facility with a covered and lit arena and limited boarding stalls. Our dog show transportation consists of a 37' Volvo Motorhome with Two AC's, a 12000wt on board generator, a 7500 auxillary generator, and living quarters. Our second dog vehicle is a E550 Box Truck with built in crates, two AC's, and a 7500w on board generator.
Feel free to contact us with any comments or inquiries-email or phone (text or call): [email protected] or (530) 444-0138 (Justine), or (530) 333-7109 (Stuart).