Majenkir Euphoria at Justart a.k.a "Daisy"
We are so grateful to Karen Staudt-Cartabona, Majenkir Borzoi, for sharing this lovely bitch with us. "Daisy" is sired by MBISS GChB. Jantar Deja Vu at Majenkir and is out of GChB. Majenkir Eureka, giving her a royal pedigree featuring the best of old and new Majenkir bloodlines. She has been shown on a very limted basis so far. Her third weekend out, she was WB/BOW/AOM at the PSBC 2019 Specialty under hound breeder judge Susan Paine for a 5 point major. She has beautiful type, gorgeous bone, and lovely movement. She is one of the sweetest dogs I have ever met. Look for her to be shown on the West Coast as we pursue her title. Scissors bite, full dentition.
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